Tim gets up close and personal as a strolling close up magic artist. Small miracles are presented right under you nose. (Unless it’s cold and flu season!). The routines are presented with a comedic approach using balls, cards, coins and rope as well as objects borrowed from the audience such as rings, cigarettes and money. Audience members are astounded when the magic happens right before their eyes and in their hands. These experiences leave a lasting impression that will be talked about time and again. In this close personable atmosphere, Tim tunes into the mood and tone of each group and tailors his presentation style to them.
The application of Tim’s Close- up magic is highly versatile. Some examples include:
- Tableside entertainment.
- Hospitality suites.
- At a trade show booth drawing attention to your product or service.
- Entertainment for any kind of line such as a registration or ticket line.
- On the midway at a fair, festival or special event.