This is a production that meets the needs of cultural arts, education and entertainment programming all in one show! As the story unfolds, apprentice Harriet Peabody, learns much more than feats of magic and wizardry. As she is guided by Willard the Wizard of Wisdom, she discovers that the greatest secret to magic and life is developing good reading skills. Aided by the Dewey Decimal system, a magical bookmark and a bit of historical knowledge, Harriet triumphs over the naughty wizard Lotar. Astounding feats of magic such as the Broom Suspension enthrall and excite all ages in this colorful and fast paced whirlwind of wizardry!
This show is presented in two formats. A 45 minute version for schools, libraries and other mid-size venues. An expanded one hour theatrical version is available for theaters and performance arts centers.
See our comprehensive web site for this show